Peasant tickets

Peasant post #2 | Learn his lessons
Alexandre Mantion
Home stretch! Last week I was back at school at ESA Angers to prepare for the oral exams for the BTS Viticulture-Oenology which began in September 2021. Exam in June...
Peasant post #2 | Learn his lessons
Alexandre Mantion
Home stretch! Last week I was back at school at ESA Angers to prepare for the oral exams for the BTS Viticulture-Oenology which began in September 2021. Exam in June...

Farmer post #1 | Take the key to the fields
Alexandre Mantion
Welcome to this blog section, a bit old-fashioned it is true, where I hope to be able to keep track of the life of the estate over the seasons and...
Farmer post #1 | Take the key to the fields
Alexandre Mantion
Welcome to this blog section, a bit old-fashioned it is true, where I hope to be able to keep track of the life of the estate over the seasons and...